Das 2019 gegründete Konstanzer Lateinamerika Forum ist ein Zusammenschluss der zu lateinamerikanistischen Themen arbeitenden Forschenden und Lehrenden; es bündelt in Zusammenarbeit mit den Fachbereichen die auf Lateinamerika bezogenen Projekte und Veranstaltungen an der Universität Konstanz und wird getragen von den beteiligten Wis-senschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern. Es arbeitet eng mit Universitäten und Partnerin-stitutionen in Lateinamerika zusammen.

Welcome to the Constance Latin America Forum website!

The Constance Latin America Forum, founded in 2019, is an association of researchers and teachers working on Latin American topics; it bundles Latin America-related projects and events at the University of Constance in cooperation with the departments and is supported by the participating researchers.

Photographer: David Diaz Arcos

Teaching and cooperations

The study of Latin America is a key aspect of teaching and research in various humanities and social science subjects at the University of Konstanz. It currently includes literature and cultural studies, linguistics, ethnology, sociology and political science. Our partner institutions are located in México, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador as well as in Argentina.

A Chilean Mural at the University

In fact, the University of Konstanz has maintained close ties with Latin America since the time of its founding. After the 1973 coup against Salvador Allende's government, exiled Chileans found a welcome in solidarity. A special mural in the area of the Audimax bears witness to this politically explosive phase. An interdisciplinary research project is investigating the Chilean mural painting in exile.


In addition to teaching, the organization of scientific conferences and congresses, and the conception of publications on Latin America, the transfer of scientific knowledge forms a central pillar of our efforts: In events such as the "Aktuelle Stunde Lateinamerika", which takes place once a semester, we discuss current political, social and cultural topics from Latin America in order to awaken public interest in Latin America.

Follow KoLaF on Instagram too!

On our KoLaF page you will also find current events and photos.